open mic night
The Sanctuary hosts an Open Mic Night every 1st Thursday of each month! Please register for this event. When you are registering, you will be prompted for a suggested $5 donation. You can edit this to whatever you can afford, even if it is $0.
Registering does not equal signing up to perform though! We start sign ups at 630pm at The Sanctuary. It is first come first serve for spots, so feel free to arrive before 630 to ensure you get on the list. We often have a lot of performers. The show starts around 7pm. We usually let everyone perform up to 7 minutes. Depending on how many performers sign up, we may lower it to 4 minutes.
Coffee, Tea, Soft Drinks, and Light Snacks are for sale for $1-$2
Suggested $5 donation for all attendees and performers to support this nonprofit community space.
First Thursdays
Signups 630pm
Show 7pm-930pm